The Plan

Step 1 (We are Here):

Launch Ayup Bikes.

We’ll get stuck into the community and start spreading the word. We need Derby on our side for this project to flourish, so we will be loud and proud about our ideas. We will connect with you, and with local stakeholders, big and small.

Step 2:

Raise funds to rent a shop.

Arguably the hardest step, but we aren’t work-shy. We are going to need all the help we can get, but it will be worth it. Alongside applying for grants from the council and local funds, we will be running a Crowdfunder. See our How to Help page if you would like to help out!

We are actively looking for units, and once the funds have been raised, we can create our little corner of Derby. We’re really excited to bring some life to our high street!

Step 3:

Have a little opening party!

With our shop established, workbenches fitted, tools organised, and volunteers eager to grab the spanners, we can open our doors to the community. We’ll get the kettle on, and bring plenty of cake for whoever wants to stop by.

Step 4:

Roll our sleeves up, and get our heads down!

We can fulfil our dream of supporting the community. We’ll offer low-cost refurbished bikes, servicing and repairs, and be a home for all the bits and bobs donated to us.

If you want to be part of our exciting project, then visit our How to Help page!